Western Reserve Photographic Society
PO Box 714
Willoughby, OH 44096
Name: _________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Membership Levels (please select one)
___ Individual ($35.)
___ Family ($45)
___ Student 21 and under ($20)
___ Senior 60 and over ($30)
___ Senior Family ($35)
Level Of Photography Experience:
___ Novice ___ Amateur ___ Advanced ___ Professional
Camera Format (check all that apply)
___ FILM ___ Digital ___ SLR ___ Point and Shoot
Special Interest (check all that apply)
___ Family ___ Travel ___ Macro ___ Sports ___ Commercial
___ Portrait ___ Wedding ___ Abstract ___ Nature ___Photojournalism
___ Other _________________________________________ (please list)
Brand of Camera: ___________________________________________
Photographic goals: _________________________________________
Referred by: _______________________________________________
Application Date:____________________________________________
WRPS has many committees. If you would like to volunteer for any please check any and all that sound interesting to you. If you have any questions about what is involved, please see any board member.
___ Competitions ___ Hospitality ___ Field Trips ___ Mentoring
___ PSA ___ Equipment ___ Newsletter ___ Photo Affair
___ Marketing ___ Website ___ Video Library ___ Special Events
___ Archives ___ Bulletin Boards
The Western Photographic Society (WRPS) is a proud member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA)
By participating in a WRPS event, meeting or field trip, you agree to NOT hold WRPS members liable for an personal injury, theft or equipment damage. Your participation in these events acknowledge your understanding and acce[tance of this statement. Also, any photos take at these events, or photos that win awards in a WRPS competition, may be used for promotional purposes in print or on club website. There will be no monetary compensation for that image. Photo credit will be given.
OFFICE USE: ___ Membership list ___ Name tag ___ E-M dist list ___ Profile ___ Mentor
Create an Account
If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account
and request membership in this organization.
If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization,
login with your account and use the menu "My Account",
"Organizations" to request
membership in this organization.
That page will also provide links to other organizations.
If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event,
you do not need to request membership.
If you have an existing account with any organization using the
Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account.
If you do not have an account and do not need membership,
use the button below to create a Guest account.